[REMOTE] Camry ACV36/MCV36 Remote programming

Wireless door lock transmitter programming


  • All wireless door lock transmitter are factory programmed.
  • The body ECU is programmed to the wireless door lock transmitter(Up to four wireless door lock transmitters).
  • Programming the body ECU to new or additional wireless door lock transmitters deactivates existing programmed wireless door lock transmitters. 
  • Therefore, existing wireless door lock transmitters must be reprogrammed when new or additional wireless door lock transmitters are being programmed.
Procedure :
  1. With the tail light/headlamp switch OFF, insert a key into the ignition switch and cycle from OFF to ON 3 times within 5 sec, leaving the key ON position. PROG will appear on the clock display.
  2. Operate the button on the wireless door lock transmitter. The hazard lights will flash once.
  3. Repeat step 2 with any additional wireless door lock transmitters while PROG is displayed.
  4. Test system operation.

Horn chirp programming
  1. With the tail light/headlamp switch OFF, insert a key into the ignition switch and cycle from OFF to ON 3 times within 5 sec, leaving the key ON position. PROG will appear on the clock display.
  2. Operate the horn once during the 5 sec programming window. The hazard lights will flash once.
Two stage unlock programming
  1. With the tail light/headlamp switch OFF, insert a key into the ignition switch and cycle from OFF to ON 3 times within 5 sec, leaving the key ON position. PROG will appear on the clock display.
  2. Operate the power door lock switch to the UNLOCK position once  during the 5 sec programming window. The hazard lights will flash once.
Headlamp extension time programming
  1. With the tail light/headlamp switch OFF, insert a key into the ignition switch and cycle from OFF to ON 3 times within 5 sec, leaving the key ON position. PROG will appear on the clock display.
  2. Turn the headlamp switch ON
  3. Turn the headlamp switch OFF after the desired delay period(Up to a maximum of 60 sec).  The hazard lights will flash once.
  4. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK.


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Hallebose said...

Cool tutorial